A number of ideas have come up recently, some of which relating to my site, and some relating to ongoing or upcoming projects.
As many people in my field might also experience, I find that I often get similar questions, in terms of the responsibilities pertaining to my work in any capacity, and even more commonly, pricing. Since one usually determines the other, I will write up a rough guideline as for how I personally determine these for each of the jobs I do. Hopefully, it will provide some clarity or at least make communication between client and candidate craftsmen more efficient. Perhaps I will even make an FAQ in the future.
Next, is the subject of DIY Anamorphic lenses. Most of the questions I get are related to the equipment, which is relatively easy to find if you are willing to do your research. However, I will also discuss benefits and compromises utilizing these budget-minded solutions.
Other topics I will hopefully address are camera and lens tests, production-to-post workflows, gear reviews, possibly some film reviews.
To be continued